Getting our clients over



a month . . . and growing

 Been in the business for over 10 years and I've never received so many calls and inquiries in my life. 300 leads in 1 week. You're a rock star. Can't Thank you enough.

Jenny salders





I get inundated with marketing calls all the time and even have a company that handles promotion, advertising, etc. But no one even comes close to what this guy does. He took my lead cost down by 90%. He even over delivered on the main cost. And he is an absolute pleasure to work with.


All our campaigns hit 100% the leads requested and we always surpass expectations.

If you haven't already, schedule a quick 15 call. We promise. No selling on the call just info and see if we can help.

Approximate Leads we bring in every month!
Plastic Surgeons
9,498 Leads
10,647 Leads
3,467 Leads
Cleaning (carpet, home, office)
12,693 Leads
26,224 Leads
Funeral Homes
3,108 Leads
Assisted Living
8,902 Leads
Real Estate
16,490 Leads
Car Dealerships
7,098 Leads
Home Security
14,870 Leads

We also get leads for Restaurants, Salons, Auto (Mechanic, Body, Tire, etc) , Construction (Handy man, painter, landscape, roofer, decking, bathroom remodel, etc), Legal, Medical, Education, Mortgage . . . . . EVERYTHING.

Why Wait? Contact Us Today 

Traditional Click-Thru Traffic

Traditional clicks, Google, Facebook, etc. Click the small ad or headline . . . .


"Get Top Service At 50% Discount . . . . Blah Blah. . . TODAY ONLY!"


Get sent to the offer or landing page.

Get charged for the click

With Traditional Click-Thru Traffic:

Once the click happens you are automatically charged for that click.

NOTE: Beware of click fraud

It’s disheartening to note that in some industries, there have been well-documented cases of click fraud. It is a practice where competitors indiscriminately click on ads to cost other businesses thousands in questionable clicks.

Our Proprietary Hybrid DCLTL System. 

DCLTL Stands for Double Click Laser Targeted Lead System

With our DCLTL System we first target an engaged audience. That engaged audience sees your headline or offer . . .

"Get Top Service At 50% Discount . . . . TODAY ONLY!"

They click on it.


Now they see the full offer. If they like it . . .

NO charge yet. They click again for a 2nd time!


Now they see the full offer/landing page.

Now you get charged for the click/lead. Our engaged Double-Click optin lead.

WHY Is This Important To You?

Because now you won't get mistake clicks. Or accidental clicks, or even malicious clicks from your competitors. Remember most people click to see the offer or what it's about. In our case, they know exactly what it's about after the first click. So if they click once and read the offer and click back, away or delete, you don't get charged for that initial click. Only when they click a 2nd time, showing that they are very interested in your offer do you get charged. This is way more powerful than typical click thrus.

PLUS we eliminate

  • malicious or competitor clicking 
  • bot  and fraud clicking 
  • looky loos, tire kickers, and curiosity seekers





Campaigns Fulfilled


Types Of Niches


Total Leads & Counting 

Why Wait? Contact Us Today 


Watch us in Action

Below are a few of our recent case studies. All cases were actually during the pandemic.

Also keep in mind. The difference between quoted lead price and net lead price is that quoted lead price is the cost per lead x 800+ (guaranteed leads). Our actual delivered leads usually exceeds the 800+ leads (always). We don't charge you for the leads generated over the 800 mark. Those are just bonus leads for you to enjoy.


At start of campaign:

  • 800 leads @ $5.61 per lead 
  • Set-up Fee - $750
  • Creative Fee - $200
  • Total Cost - $5,440

End of campaign results:

  • 1,095 leads delivered 
  • Net cost per lead - $4.10

In the past. results like these would cost us at least 30-40k. Just amazing.

Jennifer s

Mgr. Assisted Living Community


At start of campaign:

  • 800 leads @ $4.56 per lead 
  • Set-up Fee - $250 (Promo Offer)
  • Creative Fee - $250
  • Total Cost - $4,150

End of campaign results:

  • 1,227 leads delivered 
  • Net cost per lead - $2.97

Had to hire 2 extra agents and 1 clerical person after 1st campaign. Thank you.

Ken wall

Independent Insurance Agency


At start of campaign:

  • 800 leads @ $4.31 per lead 
  • Set-up Fee - $500 (Promo Offer)
  • Creative Fee - $350
  • Total Cost - $4,300

End of campaign results:

  • 1,318 leads delivered 
  • Net cost per lead - $2.61

Even 300 leads would have been fine at that price. Man did you over deliver! . . . Keep it coming brother.

Anthony almeida

Sales Mgr. / Infiniti (New/Pre-Owned)


At start of campaign:

  • 800 leads @ $4.93 per lead 
  • Set-up Fee - $250 (Promo Offer)
  • Creative Fee - $150
  • Total Cost - $4,350

End of campaign results:

  • 1,164 leads delivered 
  • Net cost per lead - $3.39

My god can you produce. And an absolute pleasure to work with. We want you to handle all our locations. Can't thank you enough.

cynthia m.

Broker / Agent / Office Mgr.

Why Wait? Contact Us Today 

About Me.

My name is dimitri and I've been into computers for over 30 years. Got started early on with web design. I'm also a professional Greek dancer (hahaha). Yes really. Something I truly enjoy. About 15 years ago I got into online marketing and advertising. I had a knack for it. Then a few years ago I had a terrible motorcycle accident. I hit face first (full face helmet though) at 70mph on the 405 freeway in LA. I was bed ridden for a few months. Multiple cracked ribs, broken collar bone, and a few other things. By the grace of god and a good samaritan, I escaped horrific injuries and possible death. During that time, I fully dove into constant training and learning everything about online marketing. Took countless courses and went to live exclusive events with some of the best and nastiest (in a good way) in the business. I also along the way developed some of my own proprietary techniques and coupled with the guru's techniques I started with a local agency and soon was the the main work horse. Eventually was doing this for 2 agencies. But, their great results for their clients were based on 100% my efforts and I was getting extremely horrible compensation. When I asked for a little increase in pay, the said no, thinking I won't leave. . . I left. 1 agency closed, the other lost 70% of their clients. Unfortunately for me, I couldn't reach out to any of those clients cause I signed a letter stating that I can't contact their clients. But that's ok. Everything happens for a reason. And their loss is your gain. Please schedule a call if you'd like to find out more information about our hybrid click/lead system. Thank you for your time and trust. . . And yes, I did make a full recovery.

500+ Successful Campaigns And Still Going

Laser Targeted Hybrid Click/Leads!

Our targeted campaigns reach only the most qualified and engaged audience for your offer.


We only give and send the click/leads to 1 client per campaign. They are not shared with multiple businesses.


We have the lowest cost per hybrid click/lead to value ratio than any other service. Usually 80%-90% less

Guaranteed Results!

We guarantee 800+ click/leads per campaign and we never disappoint. In fact we always surpass the 800 mark.

Why Wait? Contact Us Today